Deck Builder V2

Next.js 13
MongoDB Atlas
Framer Motion

Next.js 13

MongoDB Atlas

Framer Motion


Scryfall API

Deckbuilder leverages the Scryfall REST API to access the entire MTG (Magic The Gathering) catalog to give users the ability to search for any card as well as provide meta data for each card.

Deck Creation

Once users are signed in with their Gmail accounts, they can begin creating decks and adding cards to each deck. Data is persisted using MongoDB and Prisma ORM.


All recently viewed cards will display in the bottom bar for quick access and reference to previously viewed cards without having to re-search or load a new page. Once clicked, the card will display on the sidebar.


Users can search not just by card name, but by set name, mana cost, type, power, or any other property they wish to filter by.

Card Display

Deck Builder displays up to one hundred cards at a time, allowing users to quickly recognize the cards they are interested in without having to scroll through a page of card names.